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The Joel Paul Group Blog

Navigating Work and Holiday Bliss in a Fast-Paced World

Outside, a fresh blanket of fluffy white snow lies glistening in the fading glow of dusk. Inside, the sounds of holiday cheer mingle with the mouth watering aromas of perfectly seasoned holiday cuisine. John’s phone pings. Suddenly, the anticipation of the awaited...

Global Diversity Awareness Month

“It’s hard to define what diversity is because everyone has an opinion.” – Goldman Sachs diversity ad, 2000 The road to diversity has for millenia been the road less traveled. Since the dawn of the human race, marginalized classes – often minorities – have struggled...

Top Strategic Mistakes Nonprofits Make

Nonprofits do a lot of things well, particularly making our world a better place. Many nonprofits, however, could do an even better job of pursuing their missions and raising more funds if they avoid these key strategic mistakes nonprofits often make. 1. Failing to...

Fundraising is the Engine of Every Non-Profit

You don't have to look further than the presidential elections to see that we mortal humans respond to emotional drivers. We respond to emotion in much more profound ways than we do to logical, rational arguments. It's just how we're wired. And no matter your...

Lost Potential and Performance Evaluation

Nonprofit Leadership By Jonathan (Yoni) Schick, President of GOAL Consulting Group.​ "You see, she was gonna be an actress, And I was gonna learn to fly. She took off to find the footlights, And I took off to find the sky."  -Harry Chapin, from the song "Taxi" The...

Job Interview Preparation

We are pleased to provide candidates and hiring managers, with the following job interview guidance. One of the advantages of being represented by a search firm is the pre-interview preparation they will provide you with. At The Joel Paul Group, our purpose in...

Mission Impossible?

By Yitzchok Saftlas One of the most important lessons in marketing was taught neither by an advertising professional nor a business professor. Rather, it was publicized by a sailor-turned-statesman during a cold-war era speech that has since been emblazoned into the...

How to Handle the Question of Salary History During an Interview

New Law Effects Potential Interview Questions Job seekers in Massachusetts will no longer have to disclose their salary history to prospective employers in order to be considered for a job, thanks to a new pay equity law signed earlier this year. The law, which goes...

Asking Your Salary in a Job Interview

In our continuing effort to provide you relevant employer/employee information, we found this article very interesting. In a groundbreaking effort to close the wage gap between men and women, Massachusetts has become the first state to bar employers from asking about...

Do Your Research for Greater Interviewing Success

This guidance focuses on the sector of non-profits, but certainly can be applied to any job interview. Preparing for a job interview does not start with practicing interview questions. It begins by learning about the organization. You can be the most qualified...

Wired: Google’s Secret to Hiring the Right People

There have been volumes written about how “the first five minutes” of an interview are what really matter, describing how interviewers make initial assessments and spend the rest of the interview working to confirm those assessments.

NYT: Out of Work, but Staying a Strong Candidate

You have been out of work for a long time and believe that potential employers are holding that against you. Even though many people lost jobs during the recession for reasons unrelated to performance, you fear that your long-term unemployment is sometimes equated with desperation and a lack of competency. What can you do about this?

Are You a Spammer? How Mass Emailing your Contacts Hurts You

Mass emails will be seen for what they are: mass emails. One of the keys to networking is connecting on a one on one level and having a conversation. Once you take the communication from a conversation to a loud speaker broadcast, the strength of that message is lost.

Don’t be a LION (LinkedIn Open Networker)

By having Open Networkers in your contact list, you are diminishing the value of your network. No longer are there infinite possibilities for connections just one level away from you, they are just people that no one actually knows.

Why “Just Drop In” Doesn’t Work

If you are tired of the rejection of applying to jobs online, choose some more productive ways to get in front of hiring managers in your industry.

What to do when you know someone who knows someone

A key to networking when looking for a job is to find someone that knows someone that works at an organization of interest. LinkedIn has made it very easy to do this. If you are able to connect with 100 people that you actually know who in turn know 100 people (100×100), that is 10,000 people, one level away from you.

Waiting to Update your LinkedIn Status

If someone notices that you are updating your LinkedIn profile with a new job every few months, it will bring about concerns on that person’s behalf of your ability to maintain and keep a job. They might be hesitant to refer you to one of their trusted contacts. Wait a while to update your experience section on LinkedIn with your new job.

Why People Will Agree to Meet With You

Why would someone agree to meet with you in their free time for a networking meeting, when you are the one who wants something? Let’s take a look at six reasons why someone would be open to meeting with you in order to make the process of asking for help less intimidating.

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