845.290.1900 info@joelpaul.com

Making LinkedIn Work for You!

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach Signed up for LinkedIn? Connected to everyone you know? Great- here is a way to maximize it: Once you see a job listing at a company for which you would like to apply, search for your contacts at the company on LinkedIn under the...

From Informational Interview to Actual Interview

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach An informational interview is an opportunity to meet with a professional in your field of interest to learn more about his/her job and garner any advice they may have for you. Remember, this can be an excellent chance to talk with...

Networking Without A Network

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach The word “network” has frustrated many of us. We all have some friends and family members who might want to help us when looking for a job but we feel that we do not know enough people (i.e. have a big enough network) in order to...

Group Interviewing Success

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach A situation where you are interviewed by two or more people at once is called a panel or group interview. We are often not prepared for this situation and intimidated by it.  Group interviews are a good thing for job seekers. Why?...

Multistep Corporate Interviews

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach In a corporate setting, it is not uncommon to go through several rounds of interviews. Your style and manner of answering should actually change for each round to fit what they are looking for. Human Resources professionals are...

Preparing for the Interview

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach The day of the interview can be stressful enough for most of us. Help to relieve some of the stress by making sure you know where you are going and how long it should take. Do a practice run to the interview location a day or two...