845.290.1900 info@joelpaul.com

4 Ways to Make a Better Impression on your Boss

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach There are a few strategies employees can take to help solidify their job status and stand a better chance of keeping their jobs in difficult times. Here are four to get you started: 1) Be visible. Take your area of expertise and...

Five Ways to Tap into your Alumni Network

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach With alumni networking, similar to any type of networking, it is what you put in that you will get back. To have the most success with alumni networking, one should be visible and be seen as a helpful resource for other alumni. A...

Career Instability is the New Stability

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach Having met with thousands of job seekers since 2003, a certain percentage will express that they would only like a stable job; it seemingly does not matter what it is. Frustrated with the instability of prior experiences, these job...

Utilizing Constructive Criticism

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach When we are asking others for help, we can often be confronted by feedback that is somewhat unpleasant. Oftentimes, our first reaction is to get mad and upset that the person told us something that we did not like. It is important...