845.290.1900 info@joelpaul.com

Making the Job Fair a Worthwhile Experience

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach Many of us have attended job fairs only to be let down. You may have expected different employers at the fair or could not find anyone looking to recruit for someone with our backgrounds. Perhaps we did meet the right people but...

Building Equity in Your Network

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach We all know that networking is a key component to professional success. How can we make our network work for us? The key to professional networking is building “Professional Equity” with your network.  Does your network see you as...

When Faced with Contradictory Resume Advice

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach Have you gone to your local department of labor, asked a former colleague for help, met with a career coach and read advice online and received different answers on how to compose your resume? Some may say your resume has to be...

Multiple your Number of Job Applications by 5!

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach Speaking from anecdotal evidence, the average number of positions job seekers apply to per week is five. What if we were to increase the number to twenty five opportunities per week? I do not mean applying to jobs you are no longer...